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Products & Plans- Creation in Apple App Store Connect
Products & Plans- Creation in Apple App Store Connect
Kirupa avatar
Written by Kirupa
Updated over a week ago

Creating In-App Purchases in Apple App Store connect

You can create Renewable, nonrenewable, consumable and non-consumable purchases in Apple App Store Connect

Source: Apple Help

Creating auto renewable Subscriptions in Apple App Store involves two steps

Creating Subscription Group

Select your app > Features > Subscriptions > and Click on the plus button to create a Subscription Group under you can create your subscriptions

⚠️ Its mandatory to add at least one localization to your subscription group before submitting it for review.

Creating Subscriptions

Click on the create button to create you subscription.

Reference Name- The reference name will be used on App Store Connect and in Sales and Trends reports. It won’t be displayed on the App Store. The name can’t be longer than 64 characters.

Product ID- A unique alphanumeric ID that is used for reporting. After you use a Product ID for one product, it can’t be used again, even if the product is deleted.

⚠️This is the ID you link with the plan in Purchasely.

Once you have created your subscription, you have to set price of your plan.

❓The price you select here is inclusive of tax.

⚠️ Check the price for the country you sell your plan, the subscription duration and click on save

Grace period:

A billing grace period lets subscribers retain access to your app's paid content even after their subscription expires due to a billing issue. If Apple successfully recovers the subscription during this grace period, you will not experience any interruption in your revenue.

You can add grace period in Apple App Store connect:

Your app -> Feature -> Subscription -> Billing Grace period

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