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Products- Creation in the Purchasely Console

How to create Products in the Purchasely Console

Kirupa avatar
Written by Kirupa
Updated over a week ago

Creating Products in the Purchasely Console

In order to create products and plans in Purchasely, it's mandatory to have them created in the respective mobile stores. Here are some tips on how to create them:

Products already created for this application are visible in the block Products.

By clicking on the + Add new product button in the upper right corner, you can add a new Product to your Mobile Application.

A Product is composed of the following parameters:

  • The Product name: This parameter is used to display the Product in the Purchasely Console, but is also displayed to the user in the section "My Subscriptions" (which allows users to manage their subscription directly in the Mobile App).

  • The Product Vendor ID: This parameter allows you to set your own identifier for the Product. This Product Vendor ID will be useful at the Webhook level, when receiving Events about a particular Subscription, the Product Vendor ID corresponding to the Subscription will always be present.

The Product Vendor ID cannot be changed after its creation, so choose it carefully

  • The Description: This parameter is only used for your own internal purposes. It is a note that you can use for recording whatever information you want. It is not displayed in the Mobile App.

  • The Icon: This icon is displayed in the Purchasely Console and in the section "My Subscriptions".

Editing Products in the Purchasely Console

To edit a Product, click on the Edit entry in the upper right corner

Except the Product Vendor ID, all the other parameters can be modified when editing a Product

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