With the Purchasely iOS SDK 3.0.0 the subscription button loads infinitely ?Having a problem with the button to take a subscription. The button loads infinitely.
I cannot run my project, I get the following error "Failed to build module 'Purchasely' from its module interface"
Why is .ply_purchasedSubscription called on every App start?FAQ / App Start / Parental Control
<Error> Receipt verification failed : [21003] The receipt could not be authenticatedTesting / Sandbox / iOS /Error Message
<Error> Your subscription is expiredTesting / Sandbox / iOS / Error Message
Why do I get receipts on App Launch?Renewal / Receipts / Stores / S2S / FrontEnd / SDK
<Error> Couldn't fetch products. No App Store product could be found. You will not be able to perform purchases. Error: productNotFound.Console / iOS / Error Message
Receipt verification failed: (21002)The data in the receipt-data property was malformed.