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With the Purchasely iOS SDK 3.0.0 the subscription button loads infinitely ?
With the Purchasely iOS SDK 3.0.0 the subscription button loads infinitely ?

Having a problem with the button to take a subscription. The button loads infinitely.

Kirupa avatar
Written by Kirupa
Updated over 2 years ago

If you have updated the iOS SDK to the latest version 3.0.0 and having a problem with the button to take a subscription. The button loads infinitely. You use the Purchasely.presentationController method which then returns an enum with purchased / restored / cancelled.

The last line of the log indicates that the action has been passed to the interceptor. If the log <Info> Passing action purchase to interceptor. is displayed, then the interceptor has been added on your side.

There are two ways to set up the interceptor:

  1. Either by calling the Purchasely.setPaywallActionsInterceptor method

  2. By adding it as a parameter to the Purchasely.start method.

At the same time, verify that the Start method initializes the SDK with a closure of nil for the paywallActionsInterceptor parameter.

Later, do the processing for the Login event and for the rest, you just have to call proceed(true) and the SDK will take care of the other events.

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