Let us say, you are implementing Purchasely with your iOS and Android application, and if your application is a part of the "Kids Category" on the App Store which, imposes restrictions. You might have a question if the implementation of Purchasely to your app will not compromise access to the Kids Category (assuming we keep our current parental gate logic). We have got you covered on this.
We are very familiar with this kind of issue of Kids apps and Parental gate and are quite compliant as:
We do not send personal information
We allow the implementation of a Parental Gate
Indeed, a Parental Gate must be implemented before
a purchase
a click on a promo code
a restore on the app
when the child leaves the app.
With a Parental Gate, we offer you the possibility to intercept these actions and display your own parental gate adapted to the age of the child.
Instruction to implement a Parental Gate
Use the Purchasely's Paywall action interceptor to display your parental gate
If the gate is successfully passed you can then call proceed(true), otherwise proceed(false).
The actions to intercept are purchase, restore, navigate and promoCode.