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What is the size of Purchasely SDK on iOS and Android?
What is the size of Purchasely SDK on iOS and Android?

SDK / Install / iOS / Android / Amazon / Huawei / Specs / Size

Jeff Grang avatar
Written by Jeff Grang
Updated over a year ago

Purchasely is a very lightweight SDK. Its compressed size is inferior to 1,5 Mb on iOS and 1,2 Mb on Android.


On iOS, the App installed by Users only includes the code and resources required by their specific device and may vary in size in a very limited range.

Purchasely SDK mimics these needs by including several slices for each specific device configuration:

  • iOS arm64

  • tvOS arm64

  • macCatalyst (x86_64)

  • simulator (iOS and tvOS arm64 and x86_64)

To get a a precise view of Purchasely SDK size, you can create an App Size Report with Xcode, one with and one without the SDK and compare them.

The impact (size) of the implementation of Purchasely SDK in the app

Our SDK is already compiled and embeds all architectures within the build. Other SDK only contain the source code to be compiled for each of them.

All of these architectures will neither be used nor downloaded by your users as Apple does the job of slicing the app and only putting what is necessary on the device used. You can check the impact of our SDK on the size of your binary from App Store Connect > Apps > Your App > TestFlight.Then select a binary before and after the integration of Purchasely and you’ll see the footprint. It should be less than 2 Mb and slightly change depending on the architecture.


Just like iOS, Android installs device specific version system through Android App Bundle (AAB). It will only grab and install the code and resources necessary for the device without impacting Purchasely SDK performance.

Purchasely Android SDK runs over several stores and is composed of two parts:

  • Purchasely Core: The common base for every store which is about 1,1 Mb

  • Purchasely Google / Huawei / Amazon : The specific SDKs for each platform. They vary in size and each weight about 0,1 Mb.

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